Floating World Vol. 1 (Porto Franco Records, 2011) is an extension of The Mission Outsider Poets Project. This music uses texts/poems from local poets that are marginalized from the mainstream. Michael Bernard Loggins is a poet and writer who is developmentally disabled. His creative use of language and perceptions as a disabled person of color are as unique as they are beautiful and often times silly. Bart Alberti is a autistic savant who committed suicide in 2006. His poetry is highly intellectual and exploits the friction of juxtaposing imagery to create a unique beauty. Swan is a mentally ill homeless man who types leaflets that expound on his belief system, centered on feeding pigeons, rats and other vermin as a holy act.
Accordion, Organ, Electric Piano – Marie Abe*
Alto Saxophone – Kasey Knudsen
Bass – Lisa Mezzacappa
Bass Clarinet, Composed By – Aaron Novik
Drums – Jamie Moore, Jason Levis
Mastered By – Michael Romanowski
Piano, Accordion, Organ, Electric Piano – Rob Reich
Recorded By – John Finkbeiner
Recorded By [Vocals On Goodbye To Bird, The Classicist, T. S. Eliot] – Sep V (tracks: 1, 7, 18)
Recorded By, Mixed By – Eli Crews
Violin – Alisa Rose, Dina Maccabee Sarah Jo Zaharako
Vocals – Carla Kihlstedt , Jessica Grace, Karina Denike , Katy Stephan, Melody Ferris